tailieunhanh - A Guide to Climate Change for Small- to Medium-sized Enterprises phần 2

Nhiệm vụ: Khi các nhà lãnh đạo quốc gia vận động chính sách công cộng về các vấn đề kinh doanh, Phòng của Canada nhiệm vụ Thương mại để thúc đẩy một môi trường cạnh tranh mạnh mẽ, và có lợi nhuận kinh tế | Turning Up the Heat Sixteen of the 17 hottest years on record have occurred since 1980 1991 to 1995 were the five hottest consecutive years on record. 1998 replaced 1997 as the hottest year in recorded history. 2001 replaced 1997 as the second hottest year. 2002 replaced 2001 as the second hottest year. 2005 replaced 1998 as the hottest year on record. The 1990s was the hottest decade of the past millennium. The global atmosphere is warming at a faster rate than at any time in the past 10 000 years. Source The Heat is Online. http accessed February 22 2006. Impacts of Climate Change An increase in the Earth s overall temperature referred to as global warming is one of the impacts of climate change. Global warming is happening now. Over the past 100 years the global average temperature has risen C. The 1990s was the warmest decade on record since the mid-1800s as far back as our records go . According to recent research from the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment over the past 50 years average temperatures in Alaska western Canada and eastern Russia have increased by an average of 3 to 4 C. Many experts project that average global temperatures could rise by as much as C to C over the next century. Impacts in Canada So why is climate change a concern To many Canadians it may seem that slightly warmer temperatures would be welcome. But warmer global temperatures bring with them serious impacts some positive and many negative. Some negative impacts of climate change predicted for Canada include the following 1 Sea levels on the northern coast of British Columbia could rise by up to 30 cm by The Fraser River Delta is expected to experience flooding. Salmon will move farther north in search of colder water. Melting permafrost and glaciers will increase the risk of landslides in mountain regions. Higher winter temperatures will allow insect pests to survive and spread . Mountain Pine Beetle . 4 chapter one Introduction Overall crop