Unemployment is still over 8 percent as small-business hiring remains stagnant and housing foreclosures remain at historically high levels. Consumer confidence continues to lag pre-recession levels and businesses are still reluctant to hire or invest even as sales start to im- prove. And with the added pressure of high gas prices, similar to price increases last seen in 2008, the likelihood of rapid economic improve- ments is remote. While the economy is over two years into its recov- ery, progress is painfully slow as economic headwinds and uncertainty remain. The effects of the recession and fragile economic recovery are reflected in owners’ assessment. | FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUNDING OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT Small Business Innovation Research SBIR Small Business Technology Transfer STTR FY 2013 Phase I Release 1 Funding Opportunity Number DE-FOA-0000760 Announcement Type AMENDMENT 2 CFDA Number Amendment Issued September 10 2012 ISSUE DATE August 13 2012 LETTER OF INTENT DUE DATE September 4 2012 5 00 PM EDT PRE-APPLICATION DUE DATE Not Required APPLICATION DUE DATE October 16 2012 11 59 PM EDT Amendment to Letter of Intent Submission Deadline This Funding Opportunity Announcement DE-FOA-0000760 is modified to permit an additional period of time for submitting Letters of Intent on September 10 2012 from 1 00 pm eDt to 5 00 pm EDT. To download the FY 2013 Phase I Release 1 Topics in a searchable PDF file please visit the U. S. Department of Energy DOE SBIR STTR web site by clicking on the following link http sbir . Where to Submit All applications must be submitted through to be considered for award. You cannot submit an application through unless you are registered with . Please read the registration requirements carefully and start the process immediately. Remember you have to update your Central Contract Registry CCR registration annually. Please note that the CCR has migrated from to and that registering early ahead of a submission will give applicants enough time to address any challenge posed by the transition. Please refer to the SAM Quick Guide for details at https sam transcript SAM Quick Guide Grants . Applicants who are not registered with SAM and should allow at least 44 days to complete these requirements. It is suggested that the process be started as soon as possible. If you have any questions about your registration you should contact the Helpdesk at 1 -800-518-4726 to verify that you are still registered in . Registration Requirements There are several .
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