tailieunhanh - THE FATAL CONCEIT The Errors of Socialism phần 4

Không ai là quyền tự do tấn công tài sản nhiều và nói rằng ông giá trị nền văn minh. Lịch sử của cả hai không thể được disentangled. Henry Sumner Maine bất động sản . do đó không thể tách rời nền kinh tế của con người theo hình thức xã hội của nó. Đàn ông Carl Menger là đủ điều kiện cho tự do dân sự, tương ứng với tỷ lệ chính xác định đoạt của họ để đặt dây chuyền đạo đức khi ham muốn của họ: . | FOUR THE REVOLT OF INSTINCT AND REASON It is necessary to guard ourselves from thinking that the practice of the scientific method enlarges the powers of the human mind. Nothing is more flatly contradicted by experience than the belief that a man distinguished in one or even more departments of science is more likely to think sensibly about ordinary affairs than anyone else. Wilfred Trotter The Challenge to Property Although Aristotle was blind to the importance of trade and lacked any comprehension of evolution and though Aristotelian thought once embedded in the system of Thomas Aquinas supported the anticommercial attitudes of the mediaeval and early modem Church it was nonetheless only rather later and chiefly among seventeenth- and eighteenth-century French thinkers that several important developments occurred which taken together began effectively to challenge the central values and institutions of the extended order. The first of these developments was the growing importance associated with the rise of modern science of that particular form of rationalism that I call constructivism or scientism after the French which for the following several centuries virtually captured serious thought about reason and its role in human affairs. This particular form of rationalism has been the point of departure of investigations that I have conducted over the past sixty years investigations in which I tried to show that it is particularly ill-considered embedding a false theory of science and of rationality in which reason is abused and which most important here leads invariably to an erroneous interpretation of the nature and coming into being of human institutions. That interpretation is one by which in the name of reason and the highest values of civilisation moralists end up flattering the relatively unsuccessful and inciting people to satisfy their primitive desires. Descending in the modem period from Rene Descartes this form of rationalism not only discards .