tailieunhanh - The Health Literacy Style Manual
Diabetes is a growing problem and it is estimated that between 2007 and 2025 Germany, Italy, and France will have the greatest increases in women aged 20-79 years with diabetes mellitus (DM) (IDF 2006). For women the average death rate due to DM was and among individual countries the highest rates were observed in Cyprus (), Portugal (), Austria (), and Malta () (EUROSTAT 2009). The prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is higher among elderly women than among elderly men. Significant gender differences are found in the incidences of AD after the age of 85 years. Depression is more. | The Health Literacy Style Manual cove . Ẩcfấmilies October 2005 By MAXIMUS KEUTfttr KUlJttWLfrJ SUtVL ant n W 4W 11419 Sunset Hills Road Reston VA 20190 1-800-MAXIMUS CKF National Program Office Southern Institute on Children and Families 500 Taylor Street Suite 202 Columbia SC 29201 803-779-2607 Covering Kids Families is a national program supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with direction provided by the Southern Institute on Children and Families. Contents Fo REWO RD V Introd uctio n 1 Who are your readers Why are most health-related materials written at the 10th grade level or higher Readers with limited literacy skills H ow clients read health information Client-centered materials The payoff and the business case Project Plann i ng 7 Plan for resources Prepare others for ch a nge Identify a communication goal Create a look and feel Organize the content Wha ts it going to say What are the most important messages What s the most logical order How long should it be When long is too long Manage the budget C O N T E N T S i Writi n g 1 7 Write in plain language Use simple vocab u l a ry A bbrevia tions B u rea ucraic language and legalese Colloquialisms and jargon Use the active vo i ce Write simple sentences Write one-topic parag ra p h s Use an inviting and encouraging tone Delivering bad news Write notices that answer readers questions Link new information to old Offer help to readers Polish the text Fo RMATTI NG KN D STY L E 3 7 Choose a clean design Choosing fonts Serif and sans serif fonts Print size L ayo u t A l i g n me nt Short lines of text White space Co nt rast Emphasizing words or phra s es Color for appeal and nav i gat i o n Organizational aids Titles Headings ii THE HEALTH LITERACY STYLE .
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