Family history of early heart disease is another risk factor that can’t be changed. If your father or brother had a heart attack before age 55, or if your mother or sister had one before age 65, you are more likely to get heart disease yourself. While certain risk factors cannot be changed, it is important to realize that you do have control over many others. Regardless of your age, background, or health status, you can lower your risk of heart disease—and it doesn’t have to be complicated. Protecting your heart can be as simple as taking a brisk walk, whipping up a good vegetable soup, or. | EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PACKET FOR HOME HEALTH AGENCIES Prepared by The National Association for Home Care Hospice 228 Seventh Street SE Washington DC 20003 2008 Permission is granted by the National Association for Home Care Hospice to reproduce for educational and training purposes. Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Emergency Preparedness Work Group III. Expert Review Committee IV. Position Paper on the Role of Home Health in Emergency Planning V. Hazard Vulnerability Assessment VI. Home Health Agency Emergency Preparedness Assessment VII. Incident Command System VIII. XYZ Home Health Agency Emergency Preparedness Plan IX. Abbreviated Admission Tools -Items to Consider for Admission -Abbreviated Assessment -Abbreviated OASIS Assessment X. Memorandum of Understanding XI. Patient Family and Staff Emergency Preparedness Plan XII. Business Continuity Plan APPENDICIES First Aid Kit -Appendix A Emergency Supply Kits - Appendix B Supply List - Appendix C HOMECARẸỜHOSPICE NATIONAL .ASSOCIATION FOR HOME CARE HOSFtCE _ m fliipf o. KN. MTtr __ _ r J J. 11J .Amju228 s tntb Srmt 5E. Iihiiigraii tK ZijJM -I2-1 2Ũ2f J47 3 5-IŨ til I. The National Association for Home Care Hospice NAHC Emergency Preparedness Workgroup was established to develop an all hazards emergency preparedness plan to be used by home care and hospice providers. Members of the workgroup are representatives from several State home care and hospice associations and represent all segments of the country. In addition to the workgroup an expert review panel was convened to review the final materials developed. The materials developed consist of templates of tools to assist in emergency preparedness for agencies patients and their families and agency staff. In addition the incident command system has been outlined and included to instruct homecare and hospice providers of state and local emergency response structures. A common element the members of the work group share is