tailieunhanh - Cycling and health whats the evidence?
Mental health is a fundamental element of the resilience, health assets, capabilities and positive adaptation that enable people both to cope with adversity and to reach their full potential and humanity. Mental health is also the key to understanding the impact of inequalities on health and other outcomes. It is abundantly clear that the chronic stress of struggling with material disadvantage is intensified to a very considerable degree by doing so in more unequal societies. An extensive body of research confirms the relationship between inequality and poorer outcomes, a relationship which is evident at every position on the social hierarchy. | rurlỉnn PKifllflKiri Nick Cavill Dr Adrian Davis Public hea th advisors to Cycling England FOREWORD 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 INTRODUCTION 9 1. A BRIEF HISTORY 11-12 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR PUBLIC HEALTH 15 Health benefits of physical activity 1 5 All-cause mortality 16 Cardiovascular disease 16 Coronary Heart Disease 16 Stroke 17 Diabetes 17 Blood pressure 17 Cancer 17 Overweight obesity and associated conditions 17 Mental health and well being 18 Building and maintaining healthy bones muscles and joints 19 Benefits for older people 19 Benefits for children and young people 19 The importance of physical inactivity compared to other unhealthy behaviours 20 The risk of inactivity 20 Costs to society of an inactive lifestyle 21 Trends in activity 21 How much activity is enough to benefit health 22 Recommended amounts and types of physical activity 23 3. EVIDENCE FOR THE SPECIFIC HEALTH EFFECTS OF CYCLING 25 What type of evidence 26 Epidemiological studies of cycling and health 26 Randomised trials of the effects of cycling on fitness health and mortality 27 Other evidence for the health benefits of cycling 27 Cycling and type 2 diabetes 28 Cycling and cancer 28 Cycling and weight control 29 Cycling and psychological well-being 29 Summary 29 4. RISKS OF CYCLING 31 Risk of injury from cycling 31 Indirect injury risks arising from cycling 31 Risk to other road users 33 Safety in numbers 33 Balance of risks and benefits 34 Risk of cycling compared to risk from lack of physical activity 35 Policies for safe cycling 35 Helmets 36 5. WIDER BENEFITS ATTRIBUTABLE TO CYCLING 39 Improved air quality 39 Noise pollution 39 Danger 39 Increased play and activity opportunities for children 40 Social support and inclusion 40 Benefits to health a key motivator for cycling 41 CONCLUSIONS 43 REFERENCES 44-50 3 Dr Harry Rutter Government Office of the South East Professor Ken Fox University of Bristol Professor Lars Bo Andersen Norwegian School of Sport Sciences Oslo Nick
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