Acres of Diamonds have been spread all over the United States, time and care have made them more valuable, and now that they have been reset in black and white by their discoverer, they are to be laid in the hands of a multitude for their enrichment. In the same case with these gems there is a fascinating story of the Master Jeweler’s life-work which splendidly illustrates the ultimate unit of power by showing what one man can do in one day and what one life is worth to the world. | cixktoLpOK INSIDE - 1A-Í tMMB r ACRES OF 1 DIAMONDS RlAUU. II. CONMI I I. l vMcr O Npk Javrwy ACRES OF DIAMONDS BY RUSSELL H. CONWELL FOUNDER OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA _HIS LIFE AND ACHIEVEMENTS BY ROBERT SHACKLETON_ With an Autobiographical Note ACRES OF DIAMONDS CONTENTS ACRES OF DIAMONDS HIS LIFE AND ACHIEVEMENTS I. THE STORY OF THE SWORD II. THE BEGINNING AT OLD LEXINGTON III. STORY OF THE FIFTY-SEVEN CENTS IV. HIS POWER AS ORATOR AND PREACHER V. GIFT FOR INSPIRING OTHERS VI. MILLIONS OF HEARERS VII. HOW A UNIVERSITY WAS FOUNDED VIII. HIS SPLENDID EFFICIENCY IX. THE STORY OF ACRES OF DIAMONDS FIFTY YEARS ON THE LECTURE PLATFORM AN APPRECIATION THOUGH Russell H. Conwell s Acres of Diamonds have been spread all over the United States time and care have made them more valuable and now that they have been reset in black and white by their discoverer they are to be laid in the hands of a multitude for their enrichment. In the same case with these gems there is a fascinating story of the Master Jeweler s life-work which splendidly illustrates the ultimate unit of power by showing what one man can do in one day and what one life is worth to the world. As his neighbor and intimate friend in Philadelphia for thirty years I am free to say that Russell H. Conwell s tall manly figure stands out in the state of Pennsylvania as its first citizen and The Big Brother of its seven millions of people. From the beginning of his career he has been a credible witness in the Court of Public Works to the truth of the strong language of the New Testament Parable where it says If ye have faith as a grain of mustardseed ye shall say unto this mountain Remove hence to yonder place And it shall remove and NothiNg shall be impossible unto you. As a student schoolmaster lawyer preacher organizer thinker and writer lecturer educator diplomat and leader of men he has made his mark on his city and state and the times in which he has lived. A man dies but his good work lives. His ideas

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