The National Institute of General Medical Sciences is committed to encouraging and supporting basic biomedical and behavioral research in which scientists explore the unknown. Important medical advances have grown from the pursuit of curiosity about fundamental questions in biology, physics, and For example: n A scientist studying marine snails found a powerful new drug for chronic pain. n Studying how electricity affects microbes led to a widely used cancer medicine. n A total surprise in a roundworm experiment yielded RNA interference, a gene-silencing method that has revolutionized medical research. n Basic research on how bacterial “scissors” chop up DNA from invading viruses spawned the biotechnology industry. At the outset, none of these discoveries related. | Investing in Discovery NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENERAL MEDICAL SCIENCES STRATEGIC PLAN 2008-2012 . DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Institute of General Medical Sciences COVER Top row left to right Neural tube formation in a developing zebrafish an organism commonly used for genetic research. Couries of Alexander Schier Harvard University. Alejandro Sanchez Alvarado studies tissue regeneration in aquatic flatworms. Photo at the University of Utah by William K. Geiger. Image created using computational biology to show differences between two human brains. Courtesy of Arthur Toga University of California Los Angeles. Fluorescent dyes highlight chromosomes and microtubules during cell division. Courtesy of Edward Salmon University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Second row left to right Structure of a ribosome the site of protein production. Image by Catherine Lawson Rutgers University and the Protein Data Bank. White dots mark telomeres which protect the tips of chromosomes. Courtesy of Hesed Padilla-Nash and Thomas Ried National Institutes of Health. NMR expert Michael Summers studies HIV structure and leads an initiative to maximize student diversity at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Courtesy of Michael Summers. Third row Structural biologist Mavis Agbandje-McKenna examines how influenza infects cells. Photo at the University of Florida in Gainesviile by David Blankenship. Fourth row left to right Image taken using a new technique called multicolor STORM which shows individual molecules within cells in unprecedented detail. Courtesy of Xiaowei Zhuang Harvard University. Gene Robinson studies the molecular basis of honeybee behavior which is controlled by some of the same genes that regulate daily rhythms in humans. Photo at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by L. Brian Stauffer. TABLE OF CONTENTS Top row left to right A DNA-repair enzyme encircling a strand of DNA. Courtesy of Tom .