A linear regression analysis shows that an increase of US $1,000 in GNI per capita is associated with a 20 percentage point decline in SFU prevalence. Let us assume that this cross-country relationship holds intertemporally for the 13 countries that account for 80 percent of SFU mortality. In the 11 countries other than China and India in figure , it would take about 55 years to reduce SFU prevalence to 50-55 percent and 75 years to reduce SFU prevalence to 10 percent, at a per capita income growth of 3 percent per year. In China and. | DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS AND TOURISM SOUTH AFRICA COUNTRY REPORT FOURTEENTH SESSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMISSION ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SEPTEMBER 2005 List of Acronyms AGOA APINA AQA AQMP AU BCI BEE BFP BNM BPO CABEERE CAPCO CAPEX CBO s CCP CDM CERS CEF CFC s CFL s CO CONNEP CIF CP CSD CSIR DBSA DEAT DoH DME DNA DSM The dti ECA EDI EDRC EMIA EMM EIA EU FNB GATT GCCC GDP GEF GODISA GTZ GVEP Africa Growth and Opportunity Act Air Pollution Information Network for Africa Air Quality Act Air quality management plan African Union Business Confidence Index Black Economic Empowerment Basic Fuels Price Basa Njengo Magogo alternative fire lighting method Business process outsourcing Capacity Building in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Chief Air Pollution Control Officer Capital Expenditure Programme Community based organisations Cities for Climate Protection Clean Development Mechanism Certified Emission Reductions Central Energy Fund Chlorofluorocarbons Compact fluorescent lights carbon monoxide Consultative National Environmental Policy Process Critical Infrastructure Fund Cleaner Production Commission on Sustainable Development Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Development Bank of Southern Africa Department of Environment and Tourism Department of Housing Department of Minerals and Energy Designated National Authority office Demand Side Management Department of Trade and Industry Economic Commission for Africa Electricity Distribution Industry Energy and Development Research Centre Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Impact Assessment European Union First National Bank General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Government Committee on Climate Change Gross Domestic Product Global Environment Facility Programme to stimulate technology transfer. German Technical Co-operation Organization Global Village Energy Partnership GWh ICLEI ICT IP IDC IeC IP WM JSE LRP LPG MEC MFRC Mtoe MW .