tailieunhanh - Traffic Analysis and Design of Wireless IP Networks phần 10

Trong WFQ mỗi gói tin có liên quan với một thẻ bắt đầu và một thẻ kết thúc, tương ứng với thời gian ảo mà bit đầu tiên của gói tin và bit cuối cùng của gói tin được phục vụ theo cơ chế đó. Hãy B (t) biểu thị các thiết lập của các dòng backlogged thời gian. Nếu chúng ta biểu thị với Ai, k thời gian tới của các gói tin thứ k của dòng thứ i, | QoS Provisioning in Wireless IP Networks Through Class-Based Queuing 327 error-prone. Weighted fair queuing model WFQ allows any flow i to be granted channel capacity over a given time interval t1 t2 so it minimizes from Chapter 6. In WFQeach packet is associated with a start tag and a finish tag which correspond to the virtual time at which the first bit of the packet and the last bit of the packet are served by that mechanism. Let B t denote the set of backlogged flows at time t. If we denote with Ai k the arrival time of the kth packet of the ith flow and Si k and Fi k are start time and finish time for that packet respectively then we may write S max v a. k Fi k-1 where V t is the virtual time at time t which denotes the current round of service. Thus the packets are sorted according to the minimum eligible finish time. The finish time is computed from the start time by adding the time needed to send a packet of size Lp _ . L F. k Si k r. I where Tị is the rate of the flow i. If we denote with C t the link capacity at time t which is dynamically varying we can obtain the progression of the virtual time by using the following dV t C t dt Z eb t ri Often approximations ofWFQare used such as WRR and start-time fair queuing STFQ that do not need to compute dV dtgiven by . However WFQ provides two important guarantees a bounded delay and associated minimum throughput of the flow. In WFQthe flow cannot reclaim time from another flow that used its empty channel time when the first flow had no packets to transmit . However in a wireless environment a flow may be backlogged but unable to transmit due to channel errors. We will show how the WFQ behaves in a wireless environment through a simple example. Let flows f1 and f be two flows that share a wireless channel and let both have equal weights. So when both flows are error-free each of them should receive W W2 channel allocation. Let us consider time window 0 1 . We assume that flow f is .