tailieunhanh - Air and Noise Pollution Abatement Services: An Examination of U.S. and Foreign Markets

Starting from the in situ quality of waterbodies themselves and working backwards to address threats to quality sounds like simple common sense. It is, but it is not how one would describe the current regulatory system. The focus of the current system is on specific numeric discharge limits applied to a precisely defined universe of pollution sources. The quality of surface waters themselves is a binding regulatory issue only if quality is adequately monitored and if point sources are found to be the source of the problem. Effluent taxes could play an important role in. | United States International Trade Commission Air and Noise Pollution Abatement Services An Examination of . and Foreign Markets Investigation No. 332-461 USITC Publication 3761 April 2005 . International Trade Commission COMMISSIONERS Stephen Koplan Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun Vice Chairman Marcia E. Miller Jennifer A. Hillman Charlotte R. Lane Daniel R. Pearson Robert A. Rogowsky Director of Operations Karen Laney-Cummings Director of Industries Address all communications to Secretary to the Commission United States International Trade Commission Washington DC 20436 . International Trade Commission Washington DC 20436 Air and Noise Pollution Abatement Services An Examination of . and Foreign Markets Investigation No. 332-461 Publication 3761 April .