tailieunhanh - Biomedical Engineering 2012 Part 3

Tham khảo tài liệu 'biomedical engineering 2012 part 3', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 72 Biomedical Engineering been studied by designer teams and information comes from three stakeholders Academics Non Government Organization and industrial companies. The tool brainstorm workshop with stakeholders see was used at the beginning. Qualitative research After the first step to gain initial insights on healthcare needs a qualitative exploratory research in Shanghai was carried out in Chongmin island rural Shanghai. The main approach was based upon the observation of the customs habits and differences between people in everyday situations and four steps are used Seeing through the eyes Initial Idea Unstructured observations Problem definition Diaries Data collection Semi structured interviews Interpretation and communication To approach real life of target group five rules are used for interviews Develop empathy with the respondent Make sure the respondent is relaxed and comfortable Be personable to encourage and motivate respondents Note issues that interest the respondent and develop questions around these issues Not be happy to accept brief yes or no answers. Target rural people are divided into five types in this research elderly farmer worker housing women and child. And the output of this step is 5 personas introduced in . Personas are archetypal users with specific goals and needs on real market and design research. They each represent a characteristic group of users like workers or farmers Thomas and James 1995 . Following factors are included in our personas A name A photograph Demographic characteristics Techno graphic characteristics Behavioural characteristics Barriers and or challenges Specific goals and needs Figure 3 shows a completed persona of elderly in Chongmin which is composed of four parts Introduction Living conditions Awareness and Needs. Pictures are added to help understand contents for readers and a special section I am quite satisfied with my life it has always been like this. I hope my grandchildren have a better