tailieunhanh - Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems
The editors would like to thank the governments of Canada (idrc, International Development Research Centre) and Switzerland (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation) for their generous fi nancial support of this book. Much of the work presented in this volume was accomplished with kind assistance from the governments of Switzerland (sdc, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation), The Netherlands (dgis, Directorate- General for International Cooperation), Germany (bmz/gtz, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit), Japan (jica), Canada (idrc), Spain, and Peru and the Global Environmental Facility of the United Nations Environment Programme, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the Food and Agriculture Or ga ni za tion of. | MANAGING BIODIVERSITY IN AGRICULTURAL ECOSYSTEMS EDITED BY D. L JARVIS c. PADOCH. AND H. D. COOPER Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems EDITED BY D. I. JARVIS C. PADOCH AND H. D. COOPER Published by Bioversity International Columbia University Press New York Schweizerische Eidgenossenschafl Confédération suisse Confederation Svizzera Confederation svizra Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC IDRC CRDI CBD Columbia University Press Publishers Since 1893 New York Chichester West Sussex Copyright 2007 Bioversity International All rights reserved As of December I 2006 IPGRI and INIBAP operate under the name Bioversity International. The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity the United Nations University the International Development Research Centre Canada and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation concerning the legal status of any country territory city or area or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The designations developed and developing economies are intended for statistical con venience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country territory or area in the development process. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity the United Nations University the International Development Research Centre Canada and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Managing biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems edited by D. I. Jarvis C. Padoch and H. D. Cooper. p. cm. ISBN 13 978-0-231-13648-8 hard cover alk. paper ISBN 13 .
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