tailieunhanh - MEED S.A. The Costs of Water Pollution in India

The most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that global warming will lead to “changes in all components of the freshwater system,” and concludes that “water and its availability and quality will be the main pressures on, and issues for, societies and the environment under climate change.”2 Nestlé’s chairman Peter Brabeck- Letmathe puts it more bluntly, calling water availability a bigger challenge than energy security. “I am convinced that, under present conditions and with the way water is being managed, we will run out of water long before we run out of fuel.”3 Already, China and. | MEED . Matières Premieres Eau Environnement Développement 51 rue Spontini 75 116 Paris - France Tel. 33 1 47 04 42 37 Fax 33 1 47 55 67 23 c E ft N A IBftr Cerna Centre d économie industrielle Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris 60 boulevard Saint Michel 75272 Paris Cedex 06 - France Tél. 33 1 40 51 90 91 - Fax 33 1 44 07 10 46 http The Costs of Water Pollution in India. A. Maria CERNA Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris Paris France. Revised Version Paper Presented at the conference on Market Development of Water Waste Technologies through Environmental Economics 30th-31st October 2003 Delhi. The costs of water pollution in India. Augustin MARIA CERNA 60 Bd St Michel 75006 PARIS Paper prepared for circulation amongst the members of the DEMATEDEE Network The costs of water pollution in India The costs of water pollution in India. 1. Introduction. 1 2. Water pollution regulation in . Water pollution - related . The pollution control . Environmental . The water . The Common Effluent Treatment Plants . The River action . The National Drinking Water 3. Pollution . Surface water . Groundwater Quality problems in 4. Sources of Human . Pollution by domestic . Pollution by Industrial . Pollution by agricultural 5. Adverse economic impacts of water pollution - Existing studies on . The cost of inaction Brandon Homman 1995 .24 . Measuring Benefits from Industrial Water Pollution Abatement Use of Contingent Valuation Method in Nandesari Industrial . Cleaning-up the ganges a cost-benefit analysis of the Ganga Action . Environmental impact of industrial effluents in Noyyal River 6. The cost of pollution . The cost of Industrial Pollution . The cost of domestic .