Strengthening Job Market Helps PIT Revenues. The PIT is the state’s largest General Fund revenue source and grows over time largely in line with the main component of taxable personal income: the wages and salaries of Californians. The most recent data for 2010 indicate that wages and salaries made up 73 percent of California resident tax filers’ adjusted gross income (AGI) and accounted for 63 percent of PIT revenue. Accordingly, the strength of trends in the state’s job market plays a major role in the PIT’s overall growth rate. Consistent with the decline in employment in the state during 2008 and 2009 (illustrated. | EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD AND PARTNERSHIP INSTRUMENT LEBANESE REPUBLIC Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013 And National Indicative Programme 2007 - 2010 1 INDEX 1. EU Co-operation 2. Country . Political situation .5 . Macro-economic . Social . Energy Transport and . Conclusion - Lebanon s national agenda for reforms and implementation 3. Overview of past and ongoing EC . EC assistance to Lebanon 2000 - . EC response to the . Key lessons 4. The EU Strategic Response 2007-2013 . 14 . General principles of the EU strategic and priority . Complementarity and consistency with the Regional Strategy Paper and other ENPI . Priorities . Strategic objective 1 support for political reforms .16 . Strategic objective 2 support for social and economic . Strategic priority 3 - support for reconstruction and . Donor 5. National Indicative Programme . 20 . Main priorities and indicative . Support for political . sub-priority 1 - Promotion of democracy and Human . sub-priority 2 - Justice Liberty and Security. Support efficiency and independence of the . Support for social and economic . Support to reconstruction and . sub-priority 1 - Support to Local . sub-priority 2 - support to the reinvigoration of small and medium-sized enterprises affected by the . sub-priority 3 - demining and unexploded 6. Risks and conditions of . Budget and Phasing of the ANNEX 1 - LEBANON mAp. .32 ANNEX 2 - ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ANNEX 3 - Lebanon s Country Environmental ANNEX 4 - EU Member States and EC programmes by ANNEX 5 - EC support to .