tailieunhanh - Web Technologies phần 9

Tên dịch vụ Mô tả thuộc tính phi chức năng Dịch vụ Tên nhà cung cấp Tên Thông tin thuộc tính chất lượng chức năng điều kiện tiên quyết ls tích cực Đến từ Effects, Đến từ Kế hoạch dịch vụ: Tạo ra một mô tả đường đi tọa độ của khách hàng và thu hút được . | Profiling of Web Services Table 3. RoutePlanning service example Noll 2004 Service name Route Planning Service Description Creates a route description for the customer s coordinates and the given attraction. The route description consists of a coloured high-resolution picture and a textual description. Nonfunctional Properties Service Name Map24RoutePlanningService Provider Name Information Quality High Functional Properties Preconditions Location ls Location lg Positive Effects RouteDescription rd hasRoute rd r a user and are a part of the QoR concept. Users feedback assessment understood as their satisfaction from the returned result not from the interface through which they communicate with a service expressed in a defined scale. However it would be very difficult if not impossible to collect such information from users. They would rather provide an overall evaluation of both a service implementation and real service effects. The QoR concept is domain specific. In fact it is very difficult if not impossible to define a measure that would hold for all possible services. It is not the case with QoE which is independent of the domain and rather easy to compute. The quality of execution relates to the underlying technology . technical and network-related aspects . The following properties may be a part of the QoE model Response latency Time needed for the control data to get to the service and back to the client. Maximal throughput How many requests a provider is able to process in a given time period. Execution duration Time needed to fulfil a user request time between sending a request and receiving an answer . Execution price Amount of money a user needs to pay in order to use an interface to the service. Service robustness The ability of a service to act properly if some of the input parameters are missing or incorrect . the wrong coordinates or incorrect data types etc. . The following table summarizes our short discussion on the differences .