tailieunhanh - Web Technologies phần 3

những người sử dụng wiki có thể thay đổi nội dung ban đầu trong khi người sử dụng blog chỉ có thể thêm thông tin trong các hình thức góp ý. Trong khi tuyên bố rằng bất cứ ai cũng có thể làm thay đổi nội dung,các quản trị viên, | Developing Rule-Based Applications for the Web should be developed. These algorithms should be able to handle complex and heavy knowledge bases that combine rules and ontologies with a large number of concepts and relationships. Such knowledge bases are substantial especially in the context of information integration where multiple domain vocabularies interact with upper-level ontologies. Furthermore the Web is a large scale environment where a huge set of resources are added every day. As a result future knowledge bases will have to capture and describe more and more individuals. These facts should be taken into account by the developers that will target at designing new reasoning algorithms. Finally a more practical issue that should be investigated is the development of a unified reasoning framework capable of managing both ontologies and rules. Today there is no efficient and easy-to-use integrated reasoning module that can reason over both formalisms. As a consequence the developer should use at least two different reasoning modules to handle such an integrated knowledge base. This can result to unexpected situations. For example the restrictions defined by the ontology can be violated by the application of rules since the rule engines do not take into account these restrictions . disjointness of concepts . Similarly the application of rules could produce knowledge that would be useful for further description logic inferences. 6. CONCLUSION In this chapter we have discussed the application of rules to Web applications in order to achieve intelligent application behavior and efficient management of knowledge. We have described the main methodologies and technologies for integrating rules with ontologies since the latter constitutes a mature knowledge technology on the Web. The chapter has also examined aspects of the different approaches. We also showed through several experiments that current reasoning modules are not efficient enough to manage knowledge .