The existing USG investments in health in Kenya support a combination of vertical planning with integrated programming. GHI provides the opportunity to establish a more deliberate approach to integrated planning, coordination and measurement across the PEPFAR, PMI, and other USG programs to ensure a comprehensive package of services without unnecessary duplication of effort (see Appendix 1). In order to evaluate the potential to achieve many of the GHI targets, Kenya will chose approximately five geographic areas to evaluate: three areas where USG agencies are currently working at different levels of coverage and intensity, and two areas where intensified focused planning. | 0 TOKYO ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY FY2012 3rd Quarter Earnings Results April 1 - December 31 2012 Supplemental Material Tokyo Electric Power Company February 4 2013 Regarding Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in the following presentation regarding The Tokyo Electric Power Company s business operations may constitute forward-looking statements. As such these statements are not historical facts but rather predictions about the future which inherently involve risks and uncertainties and these risks and uncertainties could cause the Company s actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements herein. Note Please note that the following to be an accurate and complete translation of the original Japanese version prepared for the convenience of our English-speaking investors. In case of any discrepancy between the translation and the Japanese original the latter shall prevail. The Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc. All Rights Reserved 2013 I. Overview of FY2012 3rd Quarter Earnings Results The Tokyo Electric Power Company Inc. All Rights Reserved .