tailieunhanh - Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh - Giới từ và các thì

Nhằm giúp các bạn làm tốt các bài tập môn Tiếng Anh đồng thời các bạn sẽ không bị bỡ ngỡ với các dạng bài tập chưa từng gặp, hãy tham khảo 2 Đề kiểm tra 1 tiết môn Tiếng Anh - Giới từ và các thì. | KIỂM TRA BÀI TẬP GIỚI TỪ Exercise 1. Complete the suitable prepositions in the blanks for combinations with CLEAR CUT HOLD LET AND HAND. 1. Clear your books. I want to set the table for lunch. 2. The army fell when the enemy attacked. 3. You should cut this tree. It is too near the house. 4. The examination was so easy that all the candidates handed their answer papers after the first hour. 5. My plans for starting a restaurant fell for lack of capital. 6. Our water supply was cut because the pipe burst. 7. At the end of term attendance at these classes usually falls. 8. The wall was covered with pictures of pop stars which Mary had cut magazines. 9. I hope the rain holds until my washing is dry. 10. They won t let you if you aren t a member of the club. 11. The mounted police cleared the crowds. 12. A heavy snowfall held the trains from the north. 13. If you really want to slim you must cut on sweets. 14. The two brothers fell over their father s will 15. You would recover your sense of taste if you cut smoking altogether. 16. If you will hold I ll put you through to Enquiries. 17. If he refuses to fall my plans I can probably find someone more co- operative. Exercise in the blanks with suitable prepositions for combinations with LOOK AND KEEP. 1. I ve been looking _ a cup to match the one I broke. 2. Look me at the station. I ll be at the bookstall. 3. Look You nearly knocked my cup out of 4. He was kept in his research by lack of money. 5. Tom is looking _ his first trip abroad. 6. Before putting any money into the business we must look very carefully __ the accounts. 7. I look her as one of the family. 8. My windows look the garden. 9. He asked me to look the document and then sign it. 10. He looked the book to see if he had read it before. Exercise in the blanks with suitable prepositions for combinations with GO AND COME. 1. You can t go your promise now we are depending on you. 2. I have changed my mind .