tailieunhanh - AD HOC NETWORKS Technologies and Protocols phần 4

các tuyến đường tính toán rằng có rất nhiều băng thông còn lại hiện có sẵn cho các giao tiếp dữ liệu thực tế. Thứ ba, các nút chạy trên pin đã hạn chế cung cấp năng lượng. Để cho các nút để ở lại và giao tiếp trong thời gian dài hơn, | 64 Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks computing routes so that much of the remaining bandwidth is available for the actual data communication. Third nodes run on batteries which have limited energy supply. In order for nodes to stay and communicate for longer periods it is desirable that a routing protocol be energy-efficient as well. This also provides also another reason why overheads must be kept low. Thus routing protocols must meet the conflicting goals of dynamic adaptation and low overhead to deliver good overall performance. Routing protocols developed for wired networks such as the wired Internet are inadequate here as they not only assume mostly fixed topology but also have high overheads1. This has lead to several routing proposals specifically targeted for ad hoc networks. While some of these proposals are optimized variants of protocols originally designed for wired networks the rest adopt new paradigms such as on-demand routing where routes are maintained reactively only when needed. This is in contrast with the traditional proactive Internet-based protocols. Other new paradigms also have emerged - for example exploiting location information fro routing and energy-efficient routing. All our discussions here implicitly assume that underlying network topology can be viewed as an undirected graph. In practice this assumption may not hold since unidirectional links may be present. This commonly occurs when there is a difference in the transmit powers in the nodes of the network. Even in a perfectly homogeneous network interference at the wireless channel can be spatially diverse causing unidirectionality of links. However there is both empirical 38 and theoretical 3 evidence showing that using unidirectional links for routing may not yield any substantial benefit. On the contrary using such links is complex and may increase overheads. On the other hand ignoring unidirectional links when indeed present is straightforward. It can be realized via simple .