Climate dynamicists generally characterize the Hadley circulation in terms of some derived meteorological parameters, such as the mass stream function (the nondivergent part of the flow) or the velocity potential (the divergent circulation), both of which are based on measurements of the three-dimensional wind field. Yet, we know very little about how such indices have varied in the past—beyond the most recent decades. Paleoclimatologists are unable to reconstruct such indices, so long-term reconstructions of the Hadley circulation must be based on indirect characteristics that can be in some way plausibly linked to the dynamics of the system. Reconstructed quantities, such as precipitation amount, position and strength of the trade winds,. | ADVANCES IN GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH THE HADLEY CIRCULATION PRESENT PAST AND FUTURE EDITED BY HENRY F. DIAZ AND RAYMOND s. BRADEEY KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS THE HADLEY CIRCULATION PRESENT PAST AND FUTURE ADVANCES IN GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH VOLUME 21 Editor-in-Chief Martin Beniston Department of Geosciences University of Fribourg Switzerland Editorial Advisory Board B. Allen-Diaz Department ESPM-Ecosystem Sciences University of California Berkeley CA . R. S. Bradley Department of Geosciences University of Massachusetts Amherst MA . W. Cramer Department of Global Change and Natural Systems Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Potsdam Germany. H. F. Diaz Climate Diagnostics Center Oceanic and Atmospheric Research NOAA Boulder CO . S. Erkman Institute for Communication and Analysis of Science and Technology - ICAST Geneva Switzerland. R. García Herrera Facultad de Fisicas Universidad Complutense Madrid Spain M. Lal Centre for Atmospheric Sciences Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi India. U. Luterbacher The Graduate Institute of International Studies University of Geneva Geneva Switzerland. I. Noble CRC for Greenhouse Accounting and Research School of Biological Sciences Australian National University Canberra Australia. L. Tessier Institut Mediterranéen d Ecologie et Paléoécologie Marseille France. F. Toth International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Laxenburg Austria. M. M. Verstraete Institute for Environment and Sustainability EC Joint Research Centre Ispra VA Italy. The titles published in this series are listed at the end of this .
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