tailieunhanh - Grid networks enabling grids with advanced communication technology phần 2

Nhất thiết phải dự định hoặc giả một "câu trả lời đúng" đối với vị trí của các khả năng trong các khu chức năng hoặc các khu vực chức năng trong lớp được xác định trước. Họ cung cấp các tùy chọn và cho phép cộng đồng sử dụng môi trường để làm cho các quyết định. | 4 Chapter 1 The Grid and Grid Network Services necessarily predetermine or presume a right answer with regard to placement of capabilities within functional areas or functional areas within predefined layers. They provide options and allow the communities using the environment to make these determinations. General Grid characteristics include the following attributes. Each of these attributes can be formally expressed within an architectural framework. Within Grid environments to a significant degree these determinations can be considered more art than craft. Ultimately it is the application or service designer who can determine the relationship among these functions. a Abstraction virtualization. Grids have exceptional potential for abstracting limitless customizable functions from underlying information technology infrastructure and related resources. The level of abstraction within a Grid environment enables support for many categories of innovative applications that cannot be created with traditional infrastructure because it provides unique methods for reducing specific local dependencies and for resource sharing and integration. b Resource sharing. One consequence of this support for high levels of abstraction is that Grid environments are highly complementary to services based on resource sharing. c Flexibility programmability. Another particularly important characteristic of the Grid is that it is a programmable environment in the sense of macroprogramming and resource steering. This programmability is a major advantage of Grid architecture - providing flexibility not inherent in other infrastructure especially capabilities made possible by workflow management and resource reconfigurability. Grids can enable scheduled processes and or continual dynamic changing of resource allocations and configurations in real time. Grids can be used to support environments that require sophisticated orchestration of workflow processes. Much of this flexibility is made .