tailieunhanh - Doing Business Guide in Mongolia 2012 - 2013

Online text itself should be well thought out. Many corporations make the mistake of simply copying their existing paper documents to the web server. This is a mistake. On the web there is no pre-defined sequence of reading. One does not move from page to page, but rather moves around randomly. So each web page should be complete in itself. Adding links within and across documents further simplifies navigation. However, as a rule of thumb more than ten links should not be used in one single page (two or three links to. | mn Doing Business Guide in Mongolia 2012 - 2013 pwc Doing Business Guide 2012 - 2013 CONTENTS KEY . 5 1. MONGOLIA - Government Legal Foreign Mining in 2. BUSINESS Business . Free Trade International Legal Property 3. FOREIGN Foreign 4. BANKING AND Banking Foreign Currency Market and Foreign Currency Investment Capital 5. IMPORTING AND Trends in Customs Import Customs Temporary Import Customs Duties Warehousing and 6. BUSINESS Legal Joint Stock Company JSC .26 Limited Liability Companies LLC .27 Representative Registration Process in 7. LABOUR RELATIONSAND SOCIAL Labour Labour Working Social Security Foreign 8. ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT PwC 2 Doing Business Guide 2012 - 2013 Chart of Audit Tax Direct and Indirect Tax Principal Legislative Income Tax Tax Returns and Withholding Tax Advance Tax 10 TAXATION OF CORPORATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . 34 Corporate Tax Taxable Deductibility of Related Party Foreign Tax Other Branch .