The Government has established NBN Co to design, build and operate a broadband network that satisfies the four objectives laid out in Sub-Section , Key Objectives. It is NBN Co’s understanding that once the NBN is available the Government will want to pursue the achievement of public policy objectives in the areas of healthcare, education, aged care and other areas, as deemed appropriate by Government. These additional services and policy objectives are not part of NBN Co’s remit and hence, do not form part of NBN Co’s Corporate Plan. Sub-Section , Key Objectives, notes that the Government, as owner. | OTHER INDEPENDENT AGENCIES ACCESS BOARD Federal Funds Salaries and Expenses For expenses necessary for the Access Board as authorized by section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended 7 400 000 Provided That notwithstanding any other provision of law there may be credited to this appropriation funds received for publications and training expenses. Department of Transportation Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act 2012. Program and Financing in millions of dollars Identification code 95-3200-0-1-751 2011 actual 2012 est. 2013 est. 0001 Obligations by program activity Salaries and Expenses 7 7 7 1100 Budgetary Resources Budget authority Appropriations discretionary Appropriation 7 7 7 1160 Appropriation discretionary total 7 7 7 1930 Total budgetary resources available 7 7 7 3000 Change in obligated balance Obligated balance start of year net Unpaid obligations brought forward Oct 1 gross 1 1 1 3030 Obligations incurred unexpired accounts 7 7 7 3040 Outlays gross -7 -7 -7 3090 Obligated balance end of year net Unpaid obligations end of year gross 1 1 1 3100 Obligated balance end of year net 1 1 1 4000 Budget authority and outlays net Discretionary Budget authority gross 7 7 7 4010 Outlays gross Outlays from new discretionary authority 6 6 6 4011 Outlays from discretionary balances 1 1 1 4020 Outlays gross total 7 7 7 4180 Budget authority net total 7 7 7 4190 Outlays net total 7 7 7 The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Access Board was established by section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Access Board is responsible for developing guidelines under the Americans with Disabilities Act the Architectural Barriers Act and the Telecommunications Act. These guidelines ensure that buildings and facilities transportation vehicles and telecommunications equipment covered by these laws are readily accessible to and usable by people with disabilities. The Board is also responsible for developing .