We believe that our inquiry into the effects of outdoor artificial light is timely. During the course of the study, we learned that million of the United Kingdom’s stock of million road lights are scheduled to be replaced in the next two years because they are already well past their design life (over 30 years old). 7 This presents a real opportunity to ensure that replacements avoid some of the adverse effects of the current stock. The old lighting stock is predominantly low-pressure sodium vapour lighting which is monochromatic yellow/orange in colour. To meet the aesthetic preference for a. | ARTICLE 2. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS NOTE IC 13-1 andIC 13-7 were repealed by . 1-1996 SECTION 99 effective July 1 1996. Rule 1. Water Quality Standards Applicable to All State Waters Except Waters of the State Within the Great Lakes System 327 IAC 2-1-1 Applicability of rule Authority IC 13-14-8 IC 13-14-9 IC 13-18-3 Affected IC 13-18-4 Sec. 1. The water quality standards established by this rule shall apply to all waters of the state except waters of the state within the Great Lakes system regulated under 327 IAC . Water Pollution Control Board 327IAC 2-1-1 filed Sep 24 1987 3 00 . 11IR 579 filed Feb 1 1990 4 30 . 13IR 1018 filed Jan 14 1997 12 00 . 20IR 1347 327 IAC Water quality goals Authority IC 13-1-3-7 iC 13-7-1-1 IC 13-7-7-5 Affected IC 13-7-4-1 Sec. . The goal of the state is to restore and maintain the chemical physical and biological integrity of the waters of the state. In furtherance of this primary goal 1 it is the public policy of the state that the discharge of toxic substances in toxic amounts be prohibited and 2 it is the public policy of the state that the discharge of persistent and bioconcentrating toxic substances be reduced or eliminated. Water Pollution Control Board 327IAC filed Feb 1 1990 4 30 . 13IR 1018 327 IAC 2-1-2 Maintenance of surface water quality standards Repealed Sec. 2. Repealed by Water Pollution Control Board filed May 29 2012 3 19 . 20120627-IR-327080764FRA 327 IAC 2-1-3 Surface water use designations multiple uses Authority IC 13-14-8 IC 13-14-9 IC 13-18-3 Affected IC 13-18-4 Sec. 3. a The following water uses are designated by the water pollution control board 1 Except as provided in subsection c surface waters of the state are designated for full body contact recreation as provided in section 6 d of this rule. 2 All waters except as described in subdivision 5 will be capable of supporting A a well-balanced warm water aquatic community and B where natural temperatures will permit .