tailieunhanh - The Muscle Energy Concepts

The History of the Development of Muscle Energy Concepts The development and refinement of what is now known as Muscle Energy Technique has been a process in evolution over the past fifty years. Muscle Energy Technique (MET), which originated with Fred L. Mitchell, Sr., continues to develop and evolve, first in the hands and minds of those who were privileged to study and learn the method directly from Fred Sr. (the 'second generation'), and now, as the third and fourth generation of students of the method apply it in their practices. In the late 1940s while I was still in high school, Fred Mitchell and Paul. | Tlie Muscle Energy IVlanixal Evaluation and Treatment of the Pelvis and Sacrum Fred L. IViitcliell Jr. IZ. ICai Galen 1VI itch ell The Muscle Energy Manual Volume Three Fred L. IVI itch ell Jr. I . Kai Galen Mitchell he new Muscle Energy Manual series greatly expands upon the concepts presented in the first texts ever published on Muscle Energy Technique Mitchell Jr. Moran Pruzzo 1973 and 1979 . Since that time MET concepts and methods have spread to manipulative medicine and manual therapy programs worldwide -making the need for an updated comprehensive Muscle Energy text and manual even more urgent. The series provides an essential resource for students and clinicians desiring to apply MET in their practices. The Muscle Energy Manual Volume One 1995 covers Muscle Energy concepts and mechanisms the musculoskeletal screen and cervical region evaluation and treatment. Volume Two 1998 covers the evaluation and treatment of the thoracic spine lumbar spine and rib cage. Volume Three 1999 covers evaluation and treatment of the pelvis and sacrum. Each volume first reviews relevant anatomy and biomechanics to orient the reader and then presents clear step-by-step directions for evaluation and treatment procedures. Included in Volume Three Brief history of the development of the Mitchell model and Muscle Energy concepts Functional anatomy and physiology of the pelvic joints including the transverse and oblique axes Detailed description of pelvisacral mechanics in the Mitchell model including the updated walking cycle Complete MET evaluation and treatment procedures for the pelvis and sacrum including Lateralization and screening procedures for the pelvis Evaluation and treatment of subluxations of the pelvis including pubic subluxations upslipped innominate and flare lesions Evaluation and treatment of pelvic articular dysfunctions including sacroiliac iliosacral and respiratory motion restriction dysfunctions Discussion of the rationale for diagnosis and treatment .