tailieunhanh - html xhtml and css for dummies 7th edition phần 10

(và các trang web của bạn đặc biệt) từ nhiều góc độ và thông qua nhiều trình duyệt khác nhau. Trong giai đoạn thiết kế và viết, có thể bạn sẽ hop giữa HTML và xem một trình duyệt công việc của bạn. Tại thời điểm đó, bạn nên chuyển đổi giữa các trình duyệt và kiểm tra các trang của bạn bằng cách sử dụng khác nhau | Chapter 21 Ten HTML Do s and Don ts 349 Do Avoid Browser Dependencies When building Web pages the temptation to view the Web only in terms of your favorite browser is hard to avoid. That s why you must recall that users view the Web in general and your pages in particular from many perspectives and through many different browsers. During the design and writing phases you ll probably hop between HTML and a browser view of your work. At that point you should switch among browsers and test your pages using different ones including at least one text-only browser like Lynx . This helps you visualize your pages better and also helps keep you focused on content. Using a text-only browser is also a great way to ensure that visually impaired visitors can still relate to your site. .ự 7 Check out the Spoon Browser Sandbox page at browsers. It lets you emulate numerous browsers on a Windows PC including multiple ffQjl versions of IE Firefox Chrome Safari and Opera. Additionally you can use free public Telnet servers with Lynx a character-mode browser installed. Otherwise visit http articles browsers lynx for a good discussion of using Lynx when testing Web pages you ll also find pointers to Lynx downloads for Windows DOS Mac OS and other platforms there . There s even a free Firefox plugin for Lynx previews inside a pop-up window available at https . org en-US firefox addon 1944. During testing and maintenance browse your pages from many points of view. Work from multiple platforms try both graphical and character-mode browsers on each page. Testing takes time but repays that effort with pages that are easy for everyone to read and follow. It also helps viewers who come at your materials from many platforms and helps your pages achieve true independence from any single viewpoint. Why limit your options If several pages on your site use the same basic X HTML create one template for those pages. Test that template with as many