tailieunhanh - html xhtml and css for dummies 7th edition phần 9

, do đó, lăn qua nó vẫn tạo ra hiệu ứng tương tự như trong hình xây dựng các trang Web, sự cám dỗ để xem trang Web chỉ trong trình duyệt ưa thích của bạn là khó tránh khỏi. Đó là lý do tại sao bạn phải nhớ lại rằng người dùng xem trang Web nói chung | 308 Part V The Future of X HTML The Adobe-Apple controversy heats up Some vendors most notably Apple have taken a hard line regarding Adobe Flash and won t allow it onto their platforms period. Although the iPhone and iPad are themselves no paragons of openness Apple s participation in the HTML5 initiative is meant to bring interoperability and rich media to those devices without requiring Apple to support or use Flash technology. Apple s exclusion of Flash from its products has led to speculation and rumor that HTML5 is in and Flash is out. Adobe as you can imagine hasn t responded warmly to Apple s exclusion of Flash and the resulting negative attention to the Flash product lead to a media feud between Apple and Adobe. Adobe plans to release a mobile device version of Flash in late 2010 to prove that Flash is here to stay. The insults and finger pointing from Apple and Adobe in flashy pun intended press conferences and slickly worded public relations memos don t seem to presage an end to the Adobe-Apple debacle anytime soon. Both companies make relevant points but whatever eventually happens we would like to point out that such companies exist to make money selling proprietary products. This situation leaves us lacking something we desperately want legitimately installed Flash on an iPhone or iPad. Perhaps we can get some help from the Feds. Or maybe Adobe and Apple can settle this in Judge Judy s court or on a reality TV show where the victor is granted The Future of the Web award. Okay these are all terrible ideas but you get the point. It s a difficult tricky situation with no immediate consumer gains in sight. Here s the kicker Even if Flash does go away and that s a long shot the advancement of the Web doesn t stop with HTML5. HTML5 is no perfect solution. It s sure to have its faults even if we re just guessing as to what they might be right now. Just as with the versions that preceded it which means HTML4 and XHTML there will be something new that we will