tailieunhanh - html xhtml and css for dummies 7th edition phần 7

Webmonkey cung cấp một cái nhìn tổng quan tốt về sự khác biệt giữa nhận và đăng trong bài viết "Các hình thức HTML vào site của bạnGiá trị của thuộc tính hành động là một URL, vì vậy bạn có thể sử dụng các URL tuyệt đối hay tương đối để trỏ đến một hình thức xử lý của bạn trên | 226 Part IV Scripting and X HTML Webmonkey offers a good overview of the difference between get and post in its Add HTML Forms to Your Site article at . com 2010 02 add_html_forms_to_your_site. Markup The markup in Listing 14-1 creates a form that uses the post method to send user-entered information to a form handler to be processed on the Web server. Listing 14-1 A Simple Form Processed by a Form Handler DOCTYPE html PUBLIC - W3C DTD XHTML Transitional EN http TR xhtml1 DTD html xmlns http 1999 xhtml head title Forms title meta http-equiv Content-Type content text html charset ISO-8859-1 head body form action cgi-bin method post -- form input elements go here -- form body html The value of the action attribute is a URL so you can use absolute or relative URLs to point to a form handler on your server. Absolute and relative URLs are covered in more detail in Chapter 6. Input tags The tags you use to solicit input from your site visitors make up the bulk of any form. HTML supports a variety of different input options from text fields to radio buttons and from files to images. Every input control associates some value with a name When you create the control you give it a name. The control sends back a value based on what the user does in the form. For example if you create a text field that collects a user s first name you might name the field firstname. When the user types her first name in the field and submits the form the value associated with firstname is whatever name the user typed in the field. Chapter 14 Working with Forms 227 The whole point of a form is to gather values associated with input controls so how you set the name and value for each control is important. The following sections explain how you should work with names and values for each of the input controls. The input element and by extension the empty input . tag is the major player when it comes to using