Many people, in many different ways, want to do good work. As people—in the business context, as customers—we all want to receive quality, to get good stuff, to get what we want. In the world of business—and outside it, in arts, hobbies, and personal growth—many of us want to deliver quality, to do good work, to deliver something of value to ourselves and others. Quality Management Demystified is about helping you do that in the context of business. This book is about how to get better and better at delivering value and doing good work, improving the quality of life for our customers, and the success of. | quality management DeMYSTiFieD A SELF-TEACHING GUIDI CREATE quality and DELIVER customer delight BUILD IN quality CONTROL and ASSURANCE on every job MAKE Six Sigma and Total Quality Management WORK for YOU Loaded with TOOLS to help you ACHIEVE excellence and STRIVE for ZERO defects Sid Kemp PMP QUALITY MANAGEMENT DEMYSTIFIED Demystified Series Advanced Statistics Demystified Algebra Demystified Anatomy Demystified Demystified Astronomy Demystified Biology Demystified Business Calculus Demystified Business Statistics Demystified C Demystified Calculus Demystified Chemistry Demystified College Algebra Demystified Data Structures Demystified Databases Demystified Differential Equations Demystified Digital Electronics Demystified Earth Science Demystified Electricity Demystified Electronics Demystified Environmental Science Demystified Everyday Math Demystified Genetics Demystified Geometry Demystified Home Networking Demystified Investing Demystified Java Demystified JavaScript Demystified Linear Algebra Demystified Macroeconomics Demystified Math Proofs Demystified Math Word Problems Demystified Medical Terminology Demystified Meteorology Demystified Microbiology Demystified OOP Demystified Options Demystified Organic Chemistry Demystified Personal Computing Demystified Pharmacology Demystified Physics Demystified Physiology Demystified Pre-Algebra Demystified Precalculus Demystified Probability Demystified Project Management Demystified Quality Management Demystified Quantum Mechanics Demystified Relativity Demystified Robotics Demystified Six Sigma Demystified sql Demystified Statistics Demystified Trigonometry Demystified uml Demystified Visual Basic 2005 Demystified Visual C 2005 Demystified xml .
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