tailieunhanh - How to buy a franchise by james a meaney

Find the Right Franchise . Understand Disclosure Documents Negotiate Franchise Agreements • Improve Franchisor Relations. Introduction Why Is Buying Scrap Gold a Great Business? The Price of Gold Recommended Equipment Karat Stamps Common Stamps Testing The Gold Testing Silver Weighing The Scrap Promoting Your Business Success Tips: Becoming a Gold Buying Machine | Find the Right Franchise Understand Disclosure Documents Negotiate Franchise Agreements Improve Franchisor Relations Jim Meaney s book is an excellent road map for anyone considering the purchase of a franchise. I highly recommend it Herb Hedden contributing editor Advising Small Businesses Franchising Chapters West Group franchise attorney Invaluable advice for anyone contemplating the purchase of a franchise. Read this book before signing any documents committing you to a franchise. Colin Gabriel author of How to Sell Your Business And Get What You Want The most readable practical and complete book that I have seen on the subject of purchasing a franchise. I strongly recommend it as must reading for anyone interested in buying a franchise for the first time. Stephen R. Buchenroth attorney and former chairman Franchise Committee of the Small Business Section of the American Bar Association .will be fully understood by almost every qualified applicant. It explores the major pitfalls that usually abound in the complicated franchise agreement. stresses the differences between a franchisor s actual performance. There is just enough legal jargon to alert the wary franchise buyer and interest legal advisors. Harold Brown attorney and author of books and articles on franchising and franchise law .an outstanding guide for the prospective franchise buyer. This book comprehensively reviews the steps a franchise buyer should take an the information that he or she should acquire and understand before a purchase decision is highly recommend this book to prospective franchise buyers and existing franchisees. Lewis G. Rudnick partner Rudnick Wolfe general counsel to the International Franchise Association editor of the Journal of International Franchising and Distribution Law .a first-rate guide to evaluating and selecting a franchise. Meaney puts the emphasis on getting it right rather than on simply getting it done and encourages investors to be thorough .