tailieunhanh - beginning drupal 7 phần 8

Có loại nội dung khác hoạt động dọn dẹp mà tôi cần phải thực hiện. Tôi muốn loại bỏ các "văn bằng" và "đăng trên" thông tin từ trang cơ bản, điều, sự kiện, và Tài nguyên mục nội dung. Tôi cũng muốn ngăn chặn hiển thị các loại khách truy cập và các loại tài nguyên cho các mục cùng một nội dung. | CHAPTER 13 THEMING The next step is to update the definition for the block title. I will add a background color to the title and change the font color for the title. In the file search for the line that defines the CSS for .sidebar .block h2 and add the attributes shown here .sidebar .block h2 background-color 9CD88C padding-left 10px padding-top 5px padding-bottom 5px color 287314 After making the changes save the file and refresh your browser. The changes made to the CSS should result in the themed blocks looking like Figure 13-10 significantly better than the plain look of the default definition for blocks. Figure 13-10. Themed block Changing Sitename and Logo Most Drupal themes adhere to a standard approach for incorporating the logo and the name of the site. To change the logo of the site from the default Genesis logo click on the Appearance link in the top menu. On the Appearance page click on the Settings link for your Genesis subtheme. On the Settings page uncheck the use default logo checkbox. As soon as you uncheck the box Drupal displays a text field where you can enter the path to the image you wish to use for your logo or have the option to upload a file. Either approach results in a new logo being displayed in place of the default Genesis logo. Be mindful of the dimensions of the logo based on the dimensions of your banner area. You can also change the site s name by clicking on the Configuration link on the top menu and on the Configuration page clicking on the Site information link. On the Site information page you can change the value in the Site name text field. A Tool for Helping You Theme Your Site There is a tool that I use on a daily basis that is indispensible when it comes to theming Firefox s Firebug plug-in which is now available for Google Chrome . Firebug provides all of the information you need to identify the right CSS elements to create or modify in order to achieve the look of any item on any page. Firebug .