This book is designed for those with an inspired idea who wish to translate it into a successful new business or incorporate it in an existing business. Usually, the first challenge for those who want to get a business idea off the ground is securing funding. Any investor or those in an existing business with responsibility for approving new initiatives will invariably insist upon seeing a business plan before they approve any investment. The business plan, besides being a prerequisite for gaining access to finance, also provides the blueprint for successfully creating and running the new venture. This book describes a business planning process that will support. | The . Economist Guide to Business Planning Graham Friend and Stefan Zehle GUIDE TO BUSINESS PLANNING OTHER ECONOMIST BOOKS Guide to AnalysingCompanies Guide to Business Modelling Guide to Economic Indicators Guide to the European Umon Guide to Financiol Mnkets Guide to Managemeat Ideas Numbers Gmde Style Guido Dictionary of Business IDictionary of Economics International Dictionary oS Finance Brands andBtandirno Businesr Ethias Business snategy a China s stockmarkes E-trends Globalisation an Successful Innovation Successful Mergers Wall Street Essential IDirectos Essential Economics Essential Finance Essential Interneta Essential Investmnnt Essential Negotiation Pocket Asia Pocket Europe in F nrer Pocket World in .