tailieunhanh - Giáo trình phân tích nguyên lý ứng dụng cấu tạo và công dụng của máy in theo setup catridge p8

Cho ai cài wmp11 lậu, đổi C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\ thành link đường dẫn đến folder chứa wmp11 (đã giải nén khi cài lậu) copy thế vô đoạn trên 2. Vào Start - Run, nhập từ " đến uninstall ----- enter nó sẻ xuất hiện popup nói là sau khi uninstall wmp11, nó sẻ trở về version trước khi install wmp11 (có thể là wmp9 hoặc 10). click YES - DONELàm gì khi máy tính bỗng nhiên chậm chạp? - 19/10/2006 11h:21Virus và Spyware: Ngoài một số tác hại tiêu cực, khi hoạt động virus thường chiếm một lượng tài. | 3. Worst fit policy an incoming job is placed in the largest possible hole of free space Question 4. Types of scheduling - Scheduling of job is also an important part of any OS. It involves keeping track of and deciding which job is to be executed - Types of scheduling Deadline scheduling First in first out scheduling FIFO Round robin scheduling Shortest job first STF scheduling Shortest remaining time scheduling SRT More details about types of scheduling In deadline scheduling certains are scheduled to be completed by a specifir time or deadline. Deadline scheduling can be very complex requiring substantial overhead in resource management FIFO scheduling processes are dispatched according to their arrival time in the ready queue. This type of Round robin scheduling is similar to FIFO scheduling but the difference lies in that each job is given a slice of CPU time SJF scheduling shorter jobs are more favoured than longer one. SJF selects job that ensures the next jobs will complete leave the sys as soon as possible SRT scheduling the job will the smallest estimated remaining run time is executed first. In SRT a running job may be replaced by a new job with a shorter estimated run time Chapter 8 MEMORY MANAGEMENT. Question 1. Virtual Storage System - Instructions and data not currently needed might even be stored on the disk and thus free up a portion memory - Virtual storage systems have evolved to meet these needs. Virtual storage systems allow programs to be as large as necessary even larger that the physical storage capacity of the computer - Translating the user s view of the program into the physical reality of computer storage is one of the major task performed by virtual memory OS like IBM s MVS and digital VMS - Virtual storage system included non paged systems Paged systems Chapter 9 NETWORKING. Question 1. Types of network layout Network topology is the name given to the various types of network layout 1. Start network or centralised network This network