tailieunhanh - Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page
The cover of this document tells you the whole story. Everything you really need to know abut personal finance can be summarized in just one page. Spend less than you earn. Earn more. Live frugal. Do something sensible with the difference. Control your own destiny. All of the other writing out there on personal finance is just details. In fact, the rest of this document is just details. What youʼll find in the rest of this document is a lot of additional detail about the points made on the cover. Beyond that, this document is heavily footnoted. If youʼre. | Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page OFF ALL. HlS-W DEBT .CC s manage money- ktệre PAY DF8Y COutkol SPPfJMMC _ IẶ. VP t o v VAP xW Out RETIRED ip COLLEGE snnss Ệ A OFF ALL t P ĩS Cơu C5T BfcOAb -Bit SEO FUubS YOt ŨVJK VESTlK Y ÍW Agoyr ÔE WG Rich ALL AẠ0ưr PKiEEpQttf Follow your. PASS OMS ị b A P A fl DO WmFiL fl AKES YOt Happy MO abgrpys 0e VJOIfelts by Trent Hamm - The Simple Dollar - http Introduction The cover of this document tells you the whole story. Everything you really need to know abut personal finance can be summarized in just one page. Spend less than you earn. Earn more. Live frugal. Do something sensible with the difference. Control your own destiny. All of the other writing out there on personal finance is just details. In fact the rest of this document is just details. What you ll find in the rest of this document is a lot of additional detail about the points made on the cover. Beyond that this document is heavily footnoted. If you re reading this document on a computer you can click on those footnote numbers and immediately jump to online resources that expand upon that point. The hardest part of personal finance is just having the courage to take that first step. Sharing This Document This document is being freely distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike United States License. What does that mean It means that this document is free - you can send it to your friends put it up on your website or print it out. You can also use if for commercial purposes - if you want to format it as a book and sell it feel free. You can also modify the contents to your heart s desire as long as it s shared in the same way - any derivative works must also be shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License. I only have two requests. One if you write about this on your website include a link back to the original source of the document
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