tailieunhanh - excel for scientists and engineers phần 4

Hình 6-22. Sử dụng thủ tục chức năng để tính toán các dẫn xuất đầu tiên và thứ hai của một ý việc sử dụng các yếu tố quy mô đối số tùy chọn ngăn không chođược đặt tên phạm vi công thức trong C4 tế bào | 122 EXCEL NUMERICAL METHODS T Formulastring Now do substitution of all instances of X reference with decremented X value For J NRepI To 1 step -1 temp XRef NewX2 J If lsError Evaluate temp Then GoTo pt2 T temp pt2 Next J NewY2 Evaluate T d2ydx2 NewY1 NewY2 - 2 OldY Abs NewX1 - OldX NewX2 - OldX End Function Figure 6-21. Function procedure to calculate second derivative folder Chapter 06 Examples workbook Derivs by VBA Part 2 module SecondDeriv Figure 6-22 illustrates the use of the dydx and d2ydx2 custom functions. The formula in cell B4 is aa A4A3 bb A4A2 cc A4 dd aa bb cc dd are named ranges. The formula in cell C4 is dydx B4 A4 1 A B c D F G H J 1 First and Second Derivative Functions 2 y 2x3- -20x2 11x 30 3 X F x F x exact error F x exact error 4 -5 -775 361 5 8E-07 -100 5 -4 -462 267 -88 6 -3 -237 185 -76 7 -2 -88 115 -64 8 -1 -3 57 -52 9 0 30 n -40 10 1 23 -22 9999999 -23 -28 11 2 -12 -45 -16 12 3 -63 -55 -4 13 4 -118 -53 8 14 5 -165 -39 20 Figure 6-22. Using Function procedures to calculate first and second derivatives of a function. folder Chapter 06 Examples workbook Derivs by VBA Part 2 sheet First and Second Derivs Note the use of the optional argument scale_factor that prevents an error in cells C9 and F9 when the value of the independent variable in cell A9 is zero. CHAPTER 6 DIFFERENTIATION 123 Concerning the Choice of Ax for the Finite-Difference Method In preceding sections the X Ax used for the calculation of the derivatives was calculated by multiplying X by . Thus Ax is a scaled increment. An