The United States program of development of atomic energy has been described by Major General L. R. Groves, who, as Commanding General of the War Department's Manhattan Project, directed the program from mid-1942 until December 31, 1946, as "a generation of scientific development compressed into three years." The tremendous scope of the Manhattan Project Technical Section of the National Nuclear Energy Series, which has been in preparation since 1944, is a tribute to the unprecedented accomplishments of science, industry, government, labor, and the Army and Navy, working together as a team. . | NATIONAL NUCLEAR ENERGY SERIES Manhattan Project Technical Section Division V Volume 1 ELECTRONICS Experimental Techniques ELECTRONICS Experimental Techniques by WILLIAM c. ELMORE Associate Professor of Physics Swarthmore College and MATTHEW SANDS Assistant Professor of Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology New York Toronto London McGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY INC. .