Typically, the response rate in a direct marketing campaign is low. It is not unusual to see a response rate of less than 5%. As a result, the size of the “responder” class tends to be much smaller than the size of the “non-responder” class. Such situation where the class distribution is significantly skewed toward one of the classes is commonly known as the class imbalance problem [Jap00]. The more interesting class is usually the smaller class. Other examples of classification applications where class imbalance is common include the detection of oil spills in satellite images [KHM98], and the detection. | OULU 2008 G 33 ENMI UN IVERSITATIS OULUENSIS Matti Leppaniemi MOBILE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN CONSUMER MARKETS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING UNIVERSITY OF OULU ACTA UNIVERSITATIS OULUENSIS G Oeconomica 33 MATTI LEPPANIEMI MOBILE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN CONSUMER MARKETS Academic dissertation to be presented with the assent of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Oulu for public defence in Auditorium TA105 Linnanmaa on June 7th 2008 at 12 noon OULUN YLIOPISTO OULU .
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