tailieunhanh - beginning drupal 7 phần 5

. Trên trang này bạn có thể thiết lập như sau: Nhãn hiệu cho lĩnh vực này: Module này hiển thị những gì bạn đã nhập trên màn hình trước. Bạn có thể cập nhật nó ở đây nếu bạn muốn thay đổi nó. Lĩnh vực trọng điểm: Đây là tên nội bộ được sử dụng bởi các mô-đun để xác định lĩnh vực này trong cơ sở dữ liệu Drupal. | CHAPTER 9 ENABLING INTERACTIVE CAPABILITIES Next you ll see a page that lists options you can set for the new field. On this page you can set the following Label for the field The module displays what you entered on the previous screen. You may update it here if you wish to change it. Field key This is the internal name used by the module to identify this field in the Drupal database. The module automatically creates the name for you. You may override the name is you wish. Default value You may want to provide a default value for this field. Description The text you enter in this field will be displayed immediately below the form component. Use this field to provide additional instructions to the visitors on what you re asking them to enter or select. Validation You can select whether the field is a mandatory one by checking the box. Display width and height Depending on the type of component you selected textbox or textarea you may see options that allow you to set how wide and how tall a form component will be on the screen. Resizable Check the box if you want to allow the visitor to resize the form component only applicable to textfields and textareas . Disabled You can set the field so the user cannot change the value. For our example enter this in the Description field Please enter your suggestion in the box above. Be as descriptive as possible. After entering the description click Submit. After clicking Submit the module redisplays the Form components page. Using the steps outlined previously create a Select options field that allows the visitor to specify what their suggestion is related to. Enter My Suggestion Is Related To in the label field pick the Select options value in the Type field check the Mandatory box and click the Add button. The page that is displayed after clicking Add has the same elements listed above with the exception of a new field where we enter the options that the visitor can select from see Figure 9-18 and three configuration options