Clean energy group and smartpower do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process that is referred to in this report. References in this report to any specific commercial prod- uct, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring neither by the united states government or any agency thereof nor of the individual members of the Clean energy states alliance. the views and opinions expressed in this web site do not necessarily state or re- flect those of the. | PROPOSED REVISIONS TO THE GREEN GUIDES TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. A. The Green B. The Green Guides 1. First Request for Public 2. Workshops and Corresponding Requests for Public 3. Consumer Perception a. Commenters b. The Commission s Consumer Perception C. Outline of This III. Proposed Non-substantive Changes to the Current Green IV. General A. Continuing Need for the 1. 2. B. Industry 1. 2. C. Changes in Technology or Economic Conditions. 21 1. 2. D. International 1. 2. E. Overlap with Other Federal State or Local 1. 2. F. Life Cycle 1. a. LCAs as Marketing b. LCAs as 2. Consumer Perception 3. V. Claims Addressed by the Current Green A. General Environmental Benefit 1. The Current 2. a. Substantiating General Environmental Benefit Claims - Life Cycle i b. Qualifying General Environmental Benefit c. Prohibiting All General Environmental Benefit 3. Consumer Perception 4. Analysis and a. Unqualified General Environmental Benefit b. Qualified General Environmental Benefit B. Certifications and Seals of 1. The Current 2. a. Use of Certifications and Seals in b. Third-Party Certifications as 3. Analysis and a. Certifications and Seals as b. Certifications and Seals as General Environmental Benefit c. Third-Party Certifications as C. Degradable 1. The Current 2. 3. Consumer Perception 4. Analysis and a. Solid Waste - .
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