Stakeholder green is a shade darker than market green. It applies market green logic to a variety of key stakeholder groups such as customers, suppliers, employees, communities, shareholders, and other financiers. There are many different ways to slice the stakeholder pie. Companies can seek to maximize the benefits of one group, or they can seek to harmonize the interests of all groups. Stakeholder green gets its color from responding to the needs of some or all stakeholder groups. Stakeholder green strategies are based on a more thorough adoption of environmental principles among all aspects of a company’s operations. Many companies have. | P. Dillenbourg 1 Virtual Learning Environments EUN Conference 2000 LEARNING in the new Millennium Building new education strategies for schools . WORKSHOP ON VIRTUAL learning environments Virtual Learning Environments UNIVERSITY of Geneva This document aims to provide policy makers with synthetic information one-page summaries regarding what s going on in schools and research labs with respect to virtual learning environments. some issues namely teaching training and organisational change are deliberately not addressed here because they pertain to other workshops of this conference. P. Dillenbourg 2 Virtual Learning Environments 1. What is a virtual learning environment Does a virtual learning environments refer to any educational web site No. However as many fashionable words some authors use it in a very broad way including for instance Web sites that simply include static Web pages. Is a virtual learning environments restricted to systems including some 3D virtual reality technology No. Some environments include less sophisticated interfaces namely text-based. Between these overgeneral and over-specific definitions there is a range of environments which vary along the criteria listed below. Our goal is not to decide which environments deserve the virtual learning environments label but to provide an understanding of their specificity. What is specific to virtual learning environments see section The information space has been designed. Educational interactions occur in the environment turning spaces into places. The information social space is explicitly represented. The representation varies from text to 3D immersive worlds. Students are not only active but also actors. They co-construct the virtual space. Virtual learning environments are not restricted to distance education. They also enrich classroom activities. Virtual learning environments integrate heterogeneous technologies and multiple pedagogical .