One of the practical difficulties encountered by the teacher in carrying out modern schemes of technical education arises from the failure on the part of the students preparing for some particular profession or industry to realise the importance of subjects which they regard as being outside their own province. This difficulty is experienced very generally ; it constantly arises, for example, in connection with the professional training of such classes of students as those preparing for medicine or pharmacy, or for the various branches of engineering. It is to this last group of students that the present little work by Mr. Arthur J. Hale especially appeals. Those who are responsible for laying. | i iạy I Iiijjj i I UỊcrttell ihũuersĩíy Siibrarg Stljara 5ỉem ỊỊnrk BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND HENRY W SAGE 1891 Cornell University Library arV16687 iiMiiHitii _ 3 1924 031 442 498 olin .