tailieunhanh - Visual Basic 2005 Design and Development - Chapter 14

Development Philosophy Khi tôi bắt đầu viết chương này, tôi xem xét lại danh sách các thủ thuật phát triển, nhìn qua một số danh mục khác được đăng trên trang web, lướt qua bộ sưu tập của tôi về cuốn sách phát triển, và đặt cùng một danh sách khoảng 50 miếng yêu thích của tôi lời khuyên. Bởi vì tôi không muốn chương này để có một danh sách khổng lồ hiện các điểm nhấn, tôi đã dành nhiều thời gian nhóm và nén các ý tưởng vào khoảng một chục khái niệm quan trọng. Tại thời điểm. | 1 Development Philosophy When I started writing this chapter I reviewed my list of developer tips looked over some other lists posted on the Web skimmed through my collection of development books and put together a list of my 50 or so favorite pieces of advice. Because I didn t want this chapter to be a huge list of bullet points I spent quite a while grouping and compressing the ideas into about a dozen key concepts. At that point I realized that there s really only one main theme that covers them all avoiding unnecessary work. When you develop an application you really have three goals Build an application that works. Build it on time. Build it within budget. If you assume that it is possible to build something that does the job correctly admittedly not always a valid assumption the rest is largely a matter of avoiding unnecessary work. If you perform more work than necessary you ll finish late and over budget. You ll also end up spending more time maintaining the code and fixing bugs in the long term. At this point I also realized that many of the techniques used by the agile programming methods described in Chapter 3 Agile Methodologies address these issues. For example the idea that you should make frequent stable builds fits naturally with such ideas as programming for people keeping the user in charge and making sure code works before moving on to the next task. This chapter describes some of the most important ideas that you should keep in mind while you are working on a project. Some ideas are most useful during specific stages of development. For example it is important to assign people to the tasks for which they are best suited early in the project. Other ideas apply to the whole development process. For example whether you are building a high-level design writing code testing changes or writing documentation you should do the best job possible before moving to new things. You will be more productive if you can move forward with confidence instead of .