tailieunhanh - don t make me think a common sense approach to web usability phần 10

không thành công bởi vì nó buộc tôi phải suy nghĩ về liệu tìm kiếm thực sự là những gì làm cho lướt web khó khăn. Tuy nhiên, như khẩu hiệu đi không phải là xấu. Tất nhiên, eTour Tìm hiểu các tính năng mới của Drupal 7, làm thế nào họ làm việc và làm thế nào họ sẽ ảnh hưởng đến bạn | chapter 11 Fortunately beginning in 1998 some very determined people got fed up with this state of affairs and decided to convince browser manufacturers to support Web standards that would give designers a consistent target. A group of designers calling themselves The Web Standards Project employed a brilliant form of nonviolent resistance They simply stopped making their own sites backwardly compatible with browsers that didn t support standards like CSS and encouraged others to do the same. Several year later CSS Zen Garden9 a single HTML page that looked completely different depending on which of the many designer-contributed style sheets you applied to it demonstrated that you could create beautiful sophisticated designs with CSS. Cascading Style Sheets are now so well supported by most browsers that it doesn t make any sense to create a site without them because the advantages are enormous Infinitely greater control of formatting. Flexibility. A single change in a style sheet can change the appearance of an entire site or automatically generate useful variations like printer-friendly pages. Consistency among browsers. Workarounds and hacks are still required to ensure that your CSS works across all browers but these will fall away as brower makers continue to improve their CSS support. And implementing CSS will make it easy for you to do two things that will greatly improve your site s accessibility Serialize your content. Unlike table-based layout with CSS you can put your content in sequential order in the source file which is how a screen reader user will hear it and still position things where you want them on the page. Allow your text to resize. CSS makes it easy to make your text resizable which is enormously helpful for low-vision users and people old enough to need bifocals . 5 . See The Zen of CSS Design by Dave Shea and Molly Holzschlag New Riders 2005 for a great description of the project. 178 Don t Make Me Think A Common Sense