tailieunhanh - PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P65
PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P65:computer programming has often been seen as a difficult and arcane skill. Programming languages are difficult and complicated, out of the typical person’s reach. However, the advent of the World Wide Web has changed that to some extent. It’s reasonably easy to build and post a Web page for the entire world to see. The language of the Web is reasonably simple, and numerous applications are available to assist in the preparation of static pages | 298 PHP 5 MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner The first step is determining if an XML file has been sent through the theXML parameter. If not a default value of is defined. This of course presumes that a copy of is available and properly formatted. If the program is called with some other XML file as its parameter that file is interpreted again. I then attempt to open the XML file. If the simplexml_load_file command is unsuccessful it returns the value FALSE. The program reports this failure if it occurs. If it does not fail the program creates a page based on the parameters indicated in this file. I expect a page with five parameters top css title menu and content but I could easily modify the program to accept as many parameters as you wish. I ignored the title parameter in this particular program version because I have the page title already stored in . The program includes all the files indicated in the XML code incorporating them in CSS styles when appropriate. Summary Content management systems can help automate your Web site s creation. CMS tools allow you to build powerful multipart Web documents combining pages with a single style and layout. You learned how to install and customize the popular PHP-Nuke CMS. You also learned how to build a very basic CMS of your own using GET parameters to customize your page. You learned about XML and how to use the simpleXML tools to parse any XML files you encounter. Finally you learned how to combine your newfound XML skills with CMS to build an XML-aware CMS. CHALLENGES 1. Install and configure PHP-Nuke or another CMS on your system. 2. Create a custom theme by analyzing and modifying an existing theme. 3. Modify simpleCMS with your own layout images and banner files. 4. Create an editor that allows the user to build XML pages for XCMS. 5. Write an XCMS module that allows authorized users to add new content a news or guest book for example . c H A P T E R J Using MySQL to Create .
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