There is hardly any book that aims at solving problems typically encountered in the laser field, and this book intends to fill the void. Following some initial exercises related to general aspects in laser physics (Chapt. I), the subsequent problems are organized along the following topics: (i) Interaction of radiation with matter either made of atoms or ions, weakly interacting with surrounding species, or made of more complicated elements such as molecules or semiconductors (Chapters 2 and 3). (ii) Wave propagation in optical media and optical resonators (Chapters 4 and 5) | Problems in Laser Physics G. Cerallo s. Longhi M. NisoM s. Stagira and o. Svelto Cover photograph Homage to Arnolfo di Cambio Drawing with a green beam of a copper-vapor laser from Tom di Arnolfo Palazzo Vecchio Palazzo della Signoria to Brunelleschi Dome tn Florence realization rf the laser . . Detail exhibition of Dani Karavan June 1999 Firenze Palazzo Vecchio Piazza della Signoria - Prato Muse Pecci Fattoria Celle Pistoia Piazza del ũaomò . w KLUWER ACADEMIC PLENUM PUBLISHERS Sprng Street New 100131578 PRINTED IN . PROBLEMS IN LASER PHYSICS G. Cerullo S. Longhi M. Nisoli S. Stagira and 0. Svelto Politecnico di Milano Milano Italy KLUWER ACADEMIC PLENUM PUBLISHERS New York Boston Dordrecht London Moscow .