tailieunhanh - Hacking Firefox

If software is an art—and I think it is—then I must be the only artist in the world who advocates defacing his own work. But if ever there was a product designed for hacking, Firefox is it. Because Firefox is an open-source project, its lifeblood—its source code—is available to hackers the world over. And I do mean hackers. These guys ship software before they put on pants. What separates Firefox from other open-source projects is that it isn’t designed for a technical community. Products like Linux are generally regarded as being “by geeks, for geeks,” but with Firefox it’s more like “by geeks, for grandmas.”We focus. | TAB Mel Reyes F i refo Hacking Boost browsing and page rendering speeds extensions and more wjth custom themes Foreword by Blake Ross Firefox Co-Creator Hacking Firefox More Than 150 Hacks Mods and Customizations Mel Reyes WILEY Wiley Publishing .