tailieunhanh - Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Ischemic Stroke

Cerebrovascular diseases have an enormous and increasing impact on societies: they rank among the leading causes of death, are often associated with chronic handicap, and cause high costs for primary treatment, rehabilitation and chronic care. The advent of treatment options such as reperfusion therapies and, to a lesser degree, neuroprotective strategies on the one hand, and growing means to enhance rehabilitation and functional plasticity on the other hand, urges physicians to diagnose stroke subtypes as early and precisely as possible. The localization, extent and pathology of lesions should be recognized and followed up by imaging methods in order to develop and direct therapeutic approaches, detect complications, and start. | MEDICAL I RADIOLOGY ---- Diagnostic Imaging Magnetic Resonance 3L I Imaging Ischemic Stroke Springer MEDICAL RADIOLOGY DiaAnosticImaging Editors A. L. Bae rt Leuven K. Sartor Hvidelburg Rudiger von KummerandTobias Back Eds. MM t i tK Resonance Imagingin Ischemic Rtroke With Contributions by avis - rro s. Heiland J. Hobenius uo -M. HoeOn . T. KrlshnavdOGrlGa H. Lanfsrmaon. KO. LSvblad M. Mull -T. Neumann-HeaOelic -MiW. Porsoos D. Petersen i u. Pilatus dibv . t G. Thron -IGvsos Kummev er ForeworGby With 170 Gsircsin 3d7SoparaSc Il ustrations aOio Color auG id GobSes 1 Spr