tailieunhanh - Mastering JavaServer™ Face phần 10

họ được tự do để làm điều đó nhưng họ luôn luôn có thể trở lại Renderer đóng gói đơn giản bằng cách thiết lập các thuộc tính rendererType giá trị null. Một điểm cuối cùng về dựng hình địa phương về các thành phần quan trọng cần nhớ: | Converting a Struts Application to JSF 415 Simple Blogger Username Password Submit Welcome to Simple Blogger. Enter your username and password to br log into your blog. Valid username is 6 to 10 characters. try blogger Valid password is 6 to 10 characters. try blogger Unauthorized user please try again. -- webLogEdit -- Blogger Save Clear Exit Listing continued JSF -- special properties c temp Listing JSF after conversion to JSF. -- title Simple Blogger username Username password Password submit Submit header Welcome to Simple Blogger. instructions Enter your username and password to log into your blog. error messages for the logon page usernameError Valid username is 6 to 10 characters. try blogger passwordError Valid password is 6 to 10 characters. try blogger unsuccessfulError Unauthorized user please try again. usernameRequired Username Required passwordRequired Password Required Listing JSF after conversion to JSF. 416 Chapter 11 -- title Blogger save Save clear Clear logout Exit edit edit delete delete Listing JSF after conversion to JSF. Modify the file see Listing as shown in the following code to load the resource bundle and specify a local page variable. f loadBundle basename var bloggerBundle Modify the file as shown in the following code to load the resource bundle and specify a local page variable. f loadBundle basename var bloggerBundle Remove Unnecessary JavaScript A consistent goal of JSF design is to keep programming out of the JSP pages. If the Struts .