tailieunhanh - Khảo sát sơ bộ và nghiên cứu nâng cao chất lượng khô cá tra phồng ở Châu Đốc

Bloating fried dried Tra-Basa was one of special commodities at Chau Doc – An Giang, the province which had over 45 big and small bloating fried dried Tra-Basa shops. Their processes were not been ensured in terms of hygiene standard because they soaked fish meat in the river water and dried them on the outdoor drying ground. The aim of this study were: (i) preliminarily investigate the processing of bloating fried dried Tra-Basa at Chau Doc – An Giang; (ii) suggest some technical parameters in processing to improve the quality of this product. . | NGHIÊN CỨU KHOA HOC KY THUAT 95 KHAO SAT SÓ BO va NGHIEN CUU NANG CAO CHAT LÚỌNG KHO CA TRA PHONG Ô CHAU ĐÔC - AN GIANG PRELIMINARILY STUDY ON PROCESSING OF BLOATING FRIED DRIED TRA-BASA AT CHAU DOC - AN GIANG AND TESTING TO IMPROVE IT S QUALITY Nguyen Thuy Linh Nguyen Duy Tân Nguyen Huynh Tan Khoa Thuy sân Đai hoc Nông Lâm Tp. Ho Chí Minh ABSTRACT Bloating fried dried Tra-Basa was one of special commodities at Chau Doc - An Giang the province which had over 45 big and small bloating fried dried Tra-Basa shops. Their processes were not been ensured in terms of hygiene standard because they soaked fish meat in the river water and dried them on the outdoor drying ground. The aim of this study were i preliminarily investigate the processing of bloating fried dried Tra-Basa at Chau Doc - An Giang ii suggest some technical parameters in processing to improve the quality of this product. There were three 3 experiments to guarantee the hygiene standard and to improve flavor and taste of bloating fried dried Tra-Basa safe soaking fish meat in tap water soaking fish meat in salt solution and drying. The result showed that the concentration of NH3 was in safe range mg 100g if soaked in 20 hours and the sense value was best mark . The salt content was reduce from to when soaked in 13 salt solution for 5 hours. The peroxide got mg 100g at 45oC when dried for 32 hours and the sense value were improved. GIỚI THIÊU Hiện nay thực trang đầu ra cho san phẩm ca nuoi nựớc ngot khong on định gap nhiều kho khan. ca Tra cung khong ngoai le. Đây la loai ca co gia trị kinh tếcao đựớc ngựới dan đặc biet la ớ cac tỉnh đong bang song cựu Long đau tự nuoi rất nhieu. Vì vậy viẹc thị trựớng tieu thu cac san pham chếbiến từ ca Tra khong on định anh hựớng rất lớn đến kinh tếgia đình cua nhựng ngựới dan nay. Mat khac cung với sự phat triển kinh tếthì nhu cau ve thực pham cua con ngựới ngay cang đựớc chu trong hớn đạc biệt la ve gia trị dinh dựớng cam quan cung nhự tính .

185    140    0    02-07-2024